Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Project#1- 6A - Reflecting Shapes/ Matching Colors


Anonymous said...

I Really liked the way that you arranged you colors and shapes in a certain way. Great Job!!¡¡ Morgan

Anonymous said...

Morgan I loved the colors that you used
Aaron you mad the one with different colors like twins
Karina I love the blue you used

Anonymous said...

I really liked the colors you decided on and the way you matched them.

Sam, I really liked that you had you paper turned a different way then everyone else. You painting looks really Awesome!!!¡¡¡ MOrgan

Anonymous said...

Kate C, your art work is so colorful.
Kalyea, yours is soooo cool.
Stevi ,yours is so unique.

Anonymous said...

Carli i like all of the colors u have that is really colorful Brady.

Anonymous said...

Kate, I like the way you separated the shapes and the way there colorful!

Carli, I love the way you put spring colors in the pic and you did awesome!

Joseph, I like your pic because its creative and funny and its in different places.

Anonymous said...

Sam Ried your stuff is awesomeness and so rad, I like the way you picked the colors.
Joseph Rosas, your "stuff "picture is cool, the colors make me feel good.
Kate Imming, your picture is cool, I like the way you put the shapes together. IT IS...... RAD!!!!!, and awesomeness.

signed: Joseph Rosas

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, I like the way you made the colors look so much like the real ones

Joseph, I like all of the different colors you have.

Kaylea, I like it that you made your colors look the same as the real ones.

Sam Ried

Carli Grau said...

Kate Christensen: I see that you really worked hard on your project. I can hardly tell which side you painted and which side you cut out of a magazine.

Joseph Rosas: I liked the shapes and colors you picked. They really pop on the paper. I bet it was hard to mix and paint it. It is awesome!

Morgan Roberts: Your colors look like you cut them out of the same page of a magazine. You matched the colors very well. You also did a very good job on matching the shapes.

Carli Grau 6A

Anonymous said...

Morgan- Your pic is sweet is neat. I really liked the way you put the shapes on the page.

Anonymous said...

stevi nice colors

Anonymous said...

brady i like ur ur pic becuace it cool

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone did a great job, in matching their colors and shapes.

Anonymous said...

i like Joseph's colors good choise

Anonymous said...

Morgan, i like the different colors in you painting

From: greta

Anonymous said...

Michaela I love the colors you picked they look like you. like your favorite color!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Anonymous said...

I thought you did a great job on your art work. Good Job

Joe Rossiter said...

The colors match really well

Ficken said...

Aaron, I like your color blotches. They remind of cows.

Anonymous said...

Spencer Ernst -
you matched the colors really well and the mirroring is spot on :)

*Caitlin* said...

aaron i think the color choices were really good

Austin Ernst said...

I like the way you made every thing match with a twist of a piece of paper that looked like spaghetti to me.

torresr14 said...

To Brady cressler: I like your painting and you work hard good job.

Jackson said...

Alec i like the color

kelseymarie14 said...

Carli Grau,
I liked how you used the mirror effect. I also liked all the colors that were used.

kelseymarie14 said...

I liked the colors used and the mirror effect as well.

Anonymous said...

Michaela I love the motion pic you picked!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Anonymous said...

Morgan you did a way better job then me


Anonymous said...

Crarli, i like your picture because it is very neat and is a great a picture for the project!

sydney 7A

Anonymous said...

alec heride i like your pattern and shapes and colors you chose

Anonymous said...

corren I love the paper you mad but I would change the pencile lines

Anonymous said...

that is is good

Anonymous said...

Carli i like the color and neatness

shelby kingery

Morgan Hurd said...

Great job Kate Christiansen at matching the colors
By Morgan Hurd

Karla said...

Carli Grau. I like how you made the person in the middle. I think it is really nice!

Brianna said...

Carli, I love your softball one! It is really good and I love the colors! Good Job!

Brooke said...

sam, i like how yours is neat and it looks nice like you took your time

Zach Hecht said...

The ninja in the gold looked cool. I really liked the layers you put on there.

Alexa Taylor said...

I love your karate kid one, it's amazing!

Anonymous said...

kate christiansen - love love love the figure :) the hair is really neat

carli grau - i love the colors you used

Anonymous said...

sam - that is so cool and very scarey
morgan - i think your is cool
Carli i think that yours looks like 3 d

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